Monday, 30 November 2015

Living thing project

"A living thing consumes,grows,breathes,adapts to its environment and perishers."
                                                                                           Room 8,2015

My project was about elephants. 
I got the information off safari.
My mum helped me cut out the elephant.
I have learnt they have big tusks and trunks.
My favourite fact about elephants is that the baby elephant is in its mums  stomach for 22 months.  
Next time I would make two elephants and I would get more facts.


Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Outdoor education

Walt sail on a optimistic yacht.

On Thursday we
Went to go sailing on a optimist yacht
We learnt how to rig up a optimist yacht 
And how to sail the yacht
We got to capsize our yachts 
I really enjoyed it.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Player profile in mr b writing work shop

Walt write a report.
My next step will be to write a bigger report

Good reporter may include;
Title that stands out big bright
Sub headings
Authors style
Quotes interview 

Ben smith 
Full name:Benjamin Robert smith
Date of birth:1 June 1986
Place of birth:Dunedin 
Height:(6ft 1 1/2 in)
School:kings high school
Position:wing/full back/out side center 

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Reading work shops with Mrs notes are about a great white shark at waimarama.

Walt: take effective notes about some news.
WILF:words that give information my own words.
My next step is to take notes from a news article on tv.
Fishermen's unexpected catch    
2m long Great White shark
Crayfish pot 
Daniel McDonald
Gorge Eivers
Caught  Between Waimarama and bere island
Two Hawke's bay fish men
Waimarama 21 km southeast  of havelock north
The two men live in havelock north 

Monday, 19 October 2015

Reading term 4 with Mr W

WALT: Take notes when listening to a reader 

WILF: short sentences keywords information 

My next step will be to take accurate notes when a speaker is talking at a normal speed

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Fitness +nutrition with Karen

Walt:keep ourself fit and healthy 
On Wednesday we have been working with Karen to keep fit and healthy by eating healthy and doing fitness. On one wensday we would do fitness we  would play games like she would pull out a card and on the board would be exercises and a card would be pulled out and then we would to that exercise.   Then the next Wednesday we would learn about nutrition and she would talk about what to eat and how to keep fit keep fit and healthy.

These are the some things I learnt that I didn't now before
That Coke had less sugar then chocolate milk.

Sunday, 20 September 2015


In hasting they celebrate spring by the blossom parade.
In Nepal, people celebrate Holi, the Hindu festival of colours.
This is my spring poem.
Sun is shining the bees are buzzing
Pollen is in the air making trees produce air
Running around in the sun
I love spring because the blossoms on the trees
Not to cold not to warm
Good time to cook lamb tails

We also made some butterflies that also celebrate spring using symmetry.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015


Walt tell time using Te reo Maori this is some of my work
This time is kua Ono karaka/that is 6:00

Wednesday, 22 July 2015


In 1840, Richard Owen, the man who first used the name dinosaur, announced to the world that a bird nearly the size of an ostrich had once lived in New Zealand. He based this on the discovery and examination of a 15 cm long bone found in Poverty Bay. He was proved right as more and more fragments of moa skeleton were found.

Some moa bones have been dated and found to be 2 million years old.
One of the moa species, Dinornis giganteus, was, at 3 metres, the tallest bird ever to have lived, but only measured its full height when it stretched up to feed off high branches - its normal posture gave its height at 1.8 metres. It would have weighed about the same as a cow.
It is now thought that there were eleven species of moa, ranging in size from the tallest (1.8 metres to the highest point on its back, and 240 kg) to the smallest (0.8 m to the highest point on its back, and 20 kg).
Moa belonged to the family of Ratites, or flightless birds which have no wings, not even small stubs of wings like the kiwi. Moa are unique in that they have no traces of wings or other bones which are necessary for flight. Instead moa had large, powerful legs, with four toes on each foot.

Large amounts of moa remains have been found on the East Coast of the South Island, but moa would have lived when these areas were still covered with forest. Preserved stomach contents have shown that the moa ate a diet of twigs, seeds, leaves, fruit and leaves, and browsed on shrubs, rather than grazed on grass. Some of the specimens of moa which have been found include pieces of skin and mummified body tissue which have been preserved. Others include feathers up to 18 cm long, with colours white, reddish brown, purplish brown, and black.
With more research on the moa, ideas about the way they stood and moved have changed. Early specimens of moa in museums were constructed so that the neck was at full stretch. In the 1980s this posture was changed so that the neck was held in a lower position. It is now believed that moa walked with the head level with or slightly above the level of the back.
Research suggests that different moa preferred different habitat. Some lived in tall, wet bush, while the other species lived on drier grasslands and less dense forest or in sub-alpine areas up to 1800 metres above sea level. Moa probably produced clutches of only one or two eggs. The size of the egg, compared to the body size of the moa laying it, was larger than other birds in the ratite family. Kiwi eggs are also large for their body size, and their chicks are well-developed when they hatch, and able to feed themselves almost straight away. Moa chicks were probably also well-developed and able to feed on their own soon after hatching.
Before the Māori arrived in New Zealand, the moa's main enemy was Haast's eagle, which preyed on adult moa, while chicks and eggs were predated by the now extinct large harrier. The moa was hunted by the Māori using snares, spears, and nooses, or by driving them into pits. Dogs and kiore (Polynesian rat) would also have hunted the moa.
Māori ate the meat, made jewellery from the bones, used the skins for clothing, and made water containers out of the eggs. The extinction of the moa was indirectly hastened by the actions of Māori who robbed the nests of eggs and burnt the forest in which the moa lived. Moa are believed to have died out between 300 and 400 years ago.the moa had no wings at all.

The link for this website is:

Wednesday, 1 July 2015



We are learning to code on hopscotch with mrs leach  


We are learning in Writing work shop to youse punctuation in our story's

List sentence

Dialogue sentence

Clause sentence

Direct speech sentence

The people in this story are Shrek,goat,God,baby,Ronald mcDonald,donkey.

Late at night I saw a candy man I said that looks like Shrek riding a donkey but it wasn't a donkey, it was Shrek is life and I just died but I didn't die I saw Santa with Ronald mcDonald I went and asked Santa“is Ronald mcDonald your son? no." He's god's son,God just killed a fat goat  riding a skateboard,.then we all said what the hot dog.we saw a baby driving a car running over everybody so Santa throwed c4 onto the car 321 boom!

“Dude said God"

“what said Ronald mc Donald"

“Can you make me a happy meal"

“This is no time for happy meal hulk Smash"

“Santa said no" and jumped in front of god and hulks hand rebounded of his Bally.

In our reading work shops we are learning about the galaxy

Asian foods

We ar learning about Asian food this is a link to Asian food Adobe voice 

Values in term 2

Here is a link to my responsibility Adobe Voice video 

Monday, 30 March 2015


In swimming I have been part of the dolphins  group.

I have been learning to:

Dive ,

I am most proud of .

Swimming fitness

Improveing my swimming from 2015

I now need to work on doing:  

Doing my free style making my stroke perfect.

Equivalent fractions

We are learning about equivalent fractions

Monday, 9 March 2015


Walt write a formal letter .
We wrote to the hasting district council tell them our opinion about the speed limit between hasting and Clive .

Clive school

57 school road

Clive 4102

11th February 2015

Hastings district council

Privet bag 9002

Hastings 4166

Dear sir/madam

I am a year 6 student at clive school.I am writing becuse I think the speed should stay 80ks because there are alot of kids that are walking and biking on that road and the cars have more time to stop.

Yours sincerely lewis

 I think we should change back to 80 for safety reasons.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Treaty of waitangi research

Walt summarise our research into our Owen words and list our sources 
Include all of the imfmation from the success criteria